Monday, May 9, 2011

Day Tour @ Mechanisburg

An interesting day indeed. We learned it's not easy to run a city, met a cool Police Chief and Mayor and met with the dead. We never know that dead animals can be so "ALIVE".

First Friday @ Gettysburg

It's FIRST FRIDAY @ Gettysburg!!!

What's that? Hmmmm....

Well it is an initiative by the local business in downtown Gettysgurg to get its people and community out to shop, wine and dine. It was indeed a great experience for me. The shops were full of people and they serve wine and cheese. So classy rite!

Well what makes things interesting that night was there was a group of soon to graduate college students partying all night long. I cannot resist and took a photo with them. That reminds me of my youthful days.. hahaha.

Now i know where to go when I am here of the First Friday.

The party animals (My host family Judi , Stan and their friends)

The rowdy college students and me

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sisters of Swing at Allenberry Playhouse

I had a wonderful Saturday with my host family - The Kellys.

Mike and I spent the morning after breakfast running some errands which turned out to be an adventure for me. I got a chance to visit a rare 'shoes smith' whose little workshop is an art in its own right. Later, I have the pleasure to visit the Susquehana Bank (where Mike works) to see in person how the "ATM Drive Thru' works.

The real treat however was the dinner and later a theater performance at the Allenberry Resort Inn and Playhouse. This unique resort resides along the Yellow Breeches River which is famous for fly fishing. I was surprise to learn that John Travolta gained his fame starting by performing at the Allenberry Playhouse. If Travolta fans wish to see him in his youthful glory, a visit to this playhouse is a must for you will be greeted with an amazing photo of Travolta with his 'killer's smile' in a commemoration booklet at the entrance of the playhouse - look closely!

The focus of this blog post however is on the 'Andrews Sisters'. The Andrews Sisters were a prolific and hugely successful close harmony singing group of the swing and boogie-woogie eras, consisting of three actual sisters: LaVerne, Maxene and Patty. Entitled the 'Sisters of Swing', the play lasted for 2 hours with a 15 minutes intermission. It was such a well planned performance.

During World War II, the Andrews Sisters entertained the Allied forces extensively in America, Africa and Italy, visiting Army, Navy, Marine and Coast Guard bases, war zones, hospitals, and munitions factories. The excellent performance of Anne Montavon (Patty), Melissa Dvozenja (Maxene), Jessica Kaufman (LaVerne) and Andrew Lyons (who plays all the man's role) brought the audience, young and old, back to those trying era. One of the nice touch of the play was how the producer had invited a veteran army man from the audience to appear on stage with the cast in one scene of the second half of the performance. This brief cameo performance from a member of the audience paid tribute to all who had served in the US Army. The cast lined up to thank the audience for their support at the end of their performance.

Needless to say I had enjoyed myself tremendously. Though it took 40 minutes to travel to and fro the venue, this evening had been wonderful for Mike, Mary Kay, Rachel and I.

p/s: unfortunately, no photograph is allowed in the playhouse.

vocational day - stationaries and culinary arts

The Philips Groups, which provides sales of stationery's, office equipment, office furniture, printing service and their latest venture into coffee machines is just amazing. they used to have retail stores and converted them to just one (or two if we count the one in Maryland) huge warehouse that doing ordering and delivery service. I didn't expect that Troy (the Operations director) to put me on a truck and witness the delivery service. no matter big order like a printer or small like an eraser, they will delivery it with no extra cost! how's that sound like?

I was put into the Cumberland-Perry Area VoTech School for culinary arts. Next thing i know, i was like a real kitchen with very talented Chef Tim McGrath (like hell's kitchen on TV but Chef doesn't curse like Gordon Ramsay) Chef got me into adding jam into our pineapple cookies and i was making mushroom soup which is going to be served the next day at school!

P/S: we just hit our 1000 view today!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hanover Public School District

Dr Alan Moyer, the Superintendent of Hanover Public School District had kindly arranged for me to visit the Hanover High School. I visited 6 classes in total. Special thanks to Mr Samuelsen, the principal and Mr Kraus, history teacher, for giving a tour of the school and Mackenzie Naill and Kyra Shaffer, the students who guided me from one class to another.

With Dr Alan Moyer and Kyra Shaffer at the entrance of the office

I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to observe and learn from some excellent teachers. I saw how patient Ms Rega was with her ELL students. I learned from Mrs Erin Smith the power of extensive reading in her Academic English class. I was so impress by the great presence of Mr Bauer and his love for history and world affair. I had a great time interacting with Mr Bauer and his students and shared our views on some world affairs pertaining to our respective countries and regions. I had the opportunity to see how Mr Suter incorporate technology in his Environmental Science class where students took their quiz online. Mrs Sara Little showed me how silk screen printing is done and some of her students' work in her Art class. There is even an art exhibition that is on going in the school where her students display their finest art work in various media. Mrs Frank's Journalism class was very impressive with 3 students taking care of the production of the entire school newsletter.

Mrs Smith with her English Academic Class students

Each link represents a book that the students finished reading

Some art display

In the evening, I returned with my host family as spectators of the Drama Night - a tradition that has lasted for 50 years in this school and there is not a sign that it is slowing down. The freshman, sophomore and senior each performed a play. Rachel Kelly, the daughter of Mike and Mary Kay Kelly (my host family) won an award for her cameo performance in their freshman play - 'Conflict'. The Sophmore's 'Harry Potter Parody!' won the best director award as well as the best drama award. Whereas senior student, Jaide Finfrock won the best actress award in 'Our American Zombie'.

Freshman Performance: Conflict

Sophmore Performance: Harry Potter Parody!

Senior Performance: Our American Zombie

Award sponsor by Garrick Jewelers

I must say that the sophmore did a great performance that night with their witty and hilarious plots, dialogues and great characters. I personally was impressed with an Asian girl, Lily Tran whose portrayal of Malfroy was just superb. She won an award for her cameo performance.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The first Mercedes 1886 n the latest Porsche

Can u ever imagine the the first Benz was patent in 1886! Now u know why it was sure an expensive car to own.

Well, u can choose the car below , a new Porsche only selling at $68,951 a bargain indeed from $ 71,020...

The day I spent my 40th Birthday

Today the 3rd of May 2011, i turned 40.. and i spent it in USA! Thanks to the host family Tom and Kathy Burson n Sorensen and host family , Dave and Joan Burns , we had a small birthday dinner and wine and a cake baked by Joan . It was so delicious. The best activities for the day was that i got to visit a big i mean big car dealer in Penn state, Sun Motor and i was shown around the the 40 acres premises which include 4 dealership , Mercedes, Porsche, BMW and Audi by the CEO of the company, Mr Daniel K sunderland, I am indeed honoured.

Vocation DAy 3 @ Mechanisburg

A day which I look forward to is always the vocation days as it allows me to learn new things. And of course meet pupils from the school. Today I was fortunate to be able to visit three schools.

1. Fairview Elementary School
2. Crossroads Middle School
3. Hill Top Academy

At the first location, Fairview Elementary School, I had a great time with the pupils from Grade 3 class. They had a CLASS Blog that allows pupils to show the class activities and share ideas. The school uses IMAC in class and I was surprised how the pupils are able use the MAC effortlessly. The also had a smart boards that was utilised by the teacher frequently. The class had fun and they also asked many interesting questions about my country, Singapore.

Next we headed to the Crossroads middle school and abserve how classrooms are integrated with technology using MAC Books, Smart Boards and how they include the use of IT into their curriculum.

Lastly we went to Hill Top Academy. This is a sepcial school serving about 90 pupils with special needs. I can observe that many of the strategies used were very interesting and the facilities and manpower supports special education and meet the needs of the child. In a basic classroom, they have a teacher, a teacher assistant and a learning behaviour specialist. The teacher would have a goal for the pupils and they collect points for the class. If they did well on the day, they would get to go to the honours period which allows them to play computer games and etc. Another interesting thing is that they have a dog in class for therapy.

I would like to thank the staff of the three schools for bringing me around the school and answering my questions. Especially to Karen who took time to accompany me and make arrangements with the schools. Definitely a cool thing to do...