Friday, April 22, 2011

Thanks to the Nelsons

I write to thank my host family for the first week, the Nelsons. Rtn Jim Nelson and Rtn Carol Nelson of the Harrisburg Keystone Club (Carol is the current president of the club) took very good care of me the whole time I was in Susquehanna Township. In no particular order, thanks for:

-my first taste of Pennsylvanian Dutch cuisine
-educating me on the difference between the Plain Dutch and Gay Dutch
-the really tender grilled steak for lunch (the other meals were really good too)
-the awesome basement endless pool singlehandedly built by Jim
-travel stories about Harrisburg's GSE in India
-showing me the pretty birds in Wildwood Park
-Wild deer in the yard
-Episode 2 of Upstairs/Downstairs
-Ginger beer at the Appalachian Brewing Company
-the discussion at the monthly meeting of Jim's investment club
-introducing me to Peeps! (The quintessential American snack for Easter - soft yellow ones are the best)

-and who could forget the wine vending machine in the mall complete with CCTV and breathalyzer test

While this list is by no means exhaustive, these were special moments that I really enjoyed. I am glad that I was a part of your lives for a week.

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